
How to start your own business with content? How to turn content creation into a career?

In last week’s post, I argued that content creation is a legitimate career. It has few barriers, and many people have achieved multi-million dollar businesses through content entrepreneurship. It’s safe to say that content entrepreneurship is ideal for most ordinary people. So, how exactly do you build content and personal IP? What strategy should you adopt? How can you use this to start your own business? Let’s start our journey now!

One, adjust your mindset

If you aspire to become a content entrepreneur, you must first adjust your mindset and understand yourself properly. You need to keep creating and marketing content to build your personal IP and brand, which is your business and a key part of personal entrepreneurship.

Joe Rogan, who earns over $100 million a year from his brand, thanks in large part to his content, Casey Neistat, has several other businesses in addition to being sponsored by brands like Nike. It is still possible to build a brand and build a multi-million dollar business as a regular person through Instagram, etc.

It is entirely possible for individuals to become small content entrepreneurs and make a living in the way they prefer. Most future content creators will probably not be hugely successful – they will be happy small creators with enough ability to make money and enjoy life. Either way, in being a content entrepreneur, you are not just writing articles, it is your legitimate business with a revenue stream, marketing and branding strategy and cash flow, and you are the CEO, think of it as a startup.

Second, the product’s market fit

In a startup business, the market fit of the product is critical. This means finding the sweet spot between what you create and what other people want. There are two variables here: your product (business) and your audience. The ideal product fit is a bit complicated when it comes to content. It has three variables.

Media – Communicate through it. There are four ways: visual, audio, text, and video. This will determine the platform for distributing the content.
Message – is the core or idea of what you want to say. It is your Niche topic. Every successful content creator has to identify a unique and niche niche.
Audience – The people you want to influence, i.e. your tribe and followers.

In terms of content, your “product” = the message you convey through a specific medium. That’s why it has three variables instead of two, as in the case of startups.
These three variables make up the trinity of content startup success. Every successful startup aligns these three variables in the right way. Media comes naturally to them and supports their core message. The audience loves the creator – in the words of Kevin Kelly, they are the “real fans.

So if your content still isn’t working, it’s probably because you’re not doing one of them right. You’re using the wrong medium (you should be writing articles instead of blogging), the wrong message (you’re not speaking your beliefs), or your audience isn’t buying your stuff (you’re targeting the wrong people).

Many of the success stories you see are quite attractive; this is survival bias. The best way to find the right market for your product from the start is to try many different media, messages and audiences, rather than just focusing on one vehicle, until you find the perfect fit. Now, let’s break down each of these variables.

Three: Know your media

It’s important to know your media, because that’s what you’ll be doing on a regular basis. So if you choose to “blog” but you are an extrovert who likes to chat, you may find it too boring. As a result, the quality of your content will be greatly diminished. Choose what you enjoy doing most. The best way is not to focus too early and try something different to test it out.

I had been creating content for five years before I created my blog site. I wrote blogs, published a self-help book, recorded video interviews, and operated two (failed) podcasts outside of my video production business. Most of my attempts ended in failure, but the experience became invaluable when I finally decided to create content in my native language.

I already knew what my medium was (writing). It’s how I’m most comfortable and where I’m best at, so that’s what I’ve been doing. Try podcasts, YouTu vlogs, IGTV series, creating TikToks, writing monthly blog posts, and so on and so forth, and then analyzing. Make sure it’s something you enjoy doing.

However, don’t be one-sided in thinking that one medium is better than another. These days, YouTu seems to be more popular, but I don’t agree. You can be just as successful at recording podcasts (writing books or optimizing blogs). It’s all a matter of preference, ability and choice.
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Fourth, identify a core message

Your core message is the Niche area in which you excel. That is, the unique ideas you say you have in your content. It’s also about how you express yourself. You can’t solve a problem directly by thinking about it. You have to find your own way to express your ideas differently. In other words, you have to explore the creative process until you have your own style.

In the first few months, you will feel the pain. The key is to keep going and never give up. For the first 12 months you should not be too concerned about the results. All you need is the motivation to keep going. When I started my blogging site, I told myself to write every day – no matter what – for six months, and not to judge the results until after the six months were up. I call it the “six month rule” and it helped me get through many of the “lows” that are inevitable in any creative endeavor.

In those six months, I wrote everything from relationship advice to self-help, from personal journals to poetry. Eventually, I slowly began to see how I felt about a particular piece of writing and the way my audience responded to it.
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How do you know how well the content you create is working? By looking at feedback. Not quantitative feedback in the form of likes, followers, likes or rewards. Instead, it’s qualitative comments, replies, email exchanges, etc.

When I first started, I was so uncomfortable and felt like I was out of the world. I was afraid to read the comments on posts because I was too afraid of someone being sarcastic. I didn’t realize how many opportunities I had to learn about the factors that were making an impact. Feedback is critical to understanding the effectiveness of the approach.

To understand you, ask yourself, “What is the purpose of all this?” Why are you creating content? Find out the real reason, and then seek validation. Then know that you are supposed to be doing something. Just like a monologue, if you hear the audience laugh, reinforce it further.

Five, find a target audience

Last fall, I attended a social media marketing conference. Everyone was talking about how “attention” is the most important asset of the 21st century. I think the most important asset now is trust. When is the right time to market your book, business or program?

After a long period of time to build reputation, credibility, and trust, you can then market the idea to people who really want it. The launch copy page is always the final step in a fundraising campaign, building trust above all else.

In 1999, Seth Godin coined the term “permission marketing”. The opposite of advertising: ads bother us and annoy people because we don’t give them permission. That’s why Super Bowl ads don’t work – they appeal to too many different people.

If you have a group of helpful people who are willing to listen to you and trust you, they will buy anything your way. The obvious question is, how do you build that trust? How do you get permission from people? It’s simple and very difficult. Just like in the real world: trust is nothing more than your online reputation.

If you are a good person, we will believe you. If you are unhappy with us, we may click “unsubscribe”. In the modern world of so much influence, every decision you make is infinitely magnified by two outcomes.

Build trust by showing up to the people you care about. Note that I didn’t say “everyone”, you can’t appeal to the masses, but it still makes sense. If you try to reach everyone, you will end up resonating with no one. Instead, figure out who you want to serve (your audience). Who are these people? Then find them.

Then ask, what do they care about most? And show up regularly and try to surprise them with the best ideas you have. Give them everything they want. If you don’t show up tomorrow, there will be a lot of people who will miss you and want that effect.

Finally, being a content entrepreneur takes time. Turning it into your career takes decades. Today, it may have become shorter, but it still takes years. If you look at most success stories, you’ll see the same pattern over and over again: they’re consistent (meaning, they keep creating) and patient.

It took Casey ten years to get to where he is today, and that’s not counting another ten years of work, self-doubt and running around like you’ve never seen before. So be patient, be consistent, and know when success appears. Combine that with the right product or market fit and you can succeed with content entrepreneurship. I’m Niu Weiwei, WeChat public number: Niu Niu micro-class Follow me to share more dry goods and bring you to break out a future!




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DollarBreeders is a personal finance blog dedicated to people who want to take control of their finances and secure their future. Here you will find personal stories to inspire you to make better and more informed financial decisions. We aim to help people understand personal finances better and meet the challenge of living comfortably within the budget.
