
8 Ways to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

Save Money on Your Car Insurance

There’s a variety of ways to save money on your car insurance from a vehicle tracking system to putting less people on your policy and much more.

Car insurance is a legal requirement and every driver needs insurance, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. With our eight simple tips, you could save a lot of money on your car insurance and get a much better deal.

Save Money on Your Car Insurance

Shop Around

What few people realise when searching for car insurance is that it can be treated just like any other shopping experience. In other words, you don’t just try one place, there are a lot of insurance providers out there and by shopping around you can find some great deals. You could do this over the phone, use an online comparison site, or even visit insurance providers in person. When you do find a provider that you think you may like, then it’s always best to read some reviews of them first. For example, if you find a good offer from AAA Insurance, then spend some time reading AAA Insurance reviews before you sign up.

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If you’re in the process of renewing your car insurance, but are unhappy with the price given by your current provider, then don’t be afraid to let them know you have found a better price elsewhere. It could cause them to give you a better offer, many car insurance providers won’t want to lose a loyal customer so will likely equal the price or sweeten the deal in some way.

Only Put Main Drivers onthe Policy

A mistake many people make is putting too many people on their policy; if you’re married, for example, you don’t have to put your partner on your policy if they aren’t going to drive your car.

Younger drivers in particular can drive the price of your insurance policy up by a surprisingly high amount. So, only focus on who is going to be driving, because if you do have to add another driver later on,you can.

Tracking Devices

A secure car is going to get much better quotes from insurance providers; a tracking device is a great thing to have and something that can save you a world of trouble if your car is ever stolen. Other security features like alarms are also beneficial when getting car insurance so make sure you declare them, when getting a quote.

Don’t Be Afraid to Haggle

When you get your quote from an insurance provider, don’t be afraid to haggle! This will usually be more affective if you’re renewing your insurance but competition between insurance providers is tough so a little haggling could net you a better price. It is always worth a try because you could end up getting a much better deal.

Drive Less

Yes, this is a little strange I know, but let me explain. Your number of miles will have a big impact on your insurance price, so try to cut miles when you can.

We know that for many people a car is a necessity that they need to get to work and basically live their life. If you can save miles by taking a shorter route, or not using it if you’re only traveling a short distance, it could net you a much better insurance deal.

Search for Discounts

Many car insurance providers offer discounts for a number of reasons, if you’ve had no accidents or traffic violations you could get a discount or if you drive less than the average number of miles per year you could receive a low mileage discount. There’s a variety of possible discounts out there so make sure you search about as you could save a lot of money on your car insurance.

Don’t Add Extras

When it comes to your car insurance, you can get cover for a wide range of things and there are many extras that you could include as part of your package. Things like a courtesy car for example, but while these extras may be tempting they will drive up the price of your insurance.

So think about whether you’re going to actually need them, the no-frills option may not seem as attractive at first but if covers everything you need, there’s no need to add extras. And you’ll save a lot of money on your car insurance as well.

Think about How You Pay

Our final tip for saving you money on your car insurance is based around how you pay for it. Most insurance providers will offer monthly payment plans and while these may seem tempting since it gives you a way to spread the cost it could end up costing you more in the long run.

Because you could be charged interest on top of your monthly payments, so make sure you check carefully before agreeing to anything. Paying for your whole policy in one go might be painful in the short term but could save you a lot in the long term.

Save Money on Your Car Insurance




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