
Could Your Blog Become A Money Making Machine?

Money Making Machine

If you run your own blog, you may have considered monetising it. You may have heard about other bloggers turning their blogs into businesses, and are keen to do the same. The only problem is that you just aren’t sure how to go about doing that, or if it’s even possible for your site. (Every site is different, so it makes sense that their earning potential would also differ.

Money Making Machine

The good news is that any blog can be monetised, it’s just a case of taking the time to ensure that you are taking all the right steps to monetise your site. It won’t happen on its own – that’s a mistake that many bloggers make, thinking that it will. If you want to earn from your blog, you need to be proactive and take steps to transform it into a money making machine.

To help you to get started with monetising your blog, below are some tips and pieces of advice that it’s worthwhile taking note of and implementing.

Perfect and improve your blog

First things first, if any company is going to pay to use your blog as a form of advertising, your site needs to be perfect. You need to have a blog that is well-designed, well-written, and highly successful. How do you measure blog success? It’s simple really, you measure a blog’s success through two things: followers and blog domain authority – the higher both of these numbers are, the better. The key to improving both of these things is SEO, which is why if you don’t know much about how this works, it’s important to utilise the services of a company like that knows everything that there is to know about SEO. Okay, so your blog doesn’t need to be perfect to succeed, but it does need to rank highly in search engines and have a good following, which is why SEO is worth investing in.

Take advantage of social media

Have you ever considered the potential that social media has for blogging success? Not only can you use social media sites like Twitter to share your blog’s content and create a following, but you can also use it to network with other bloggers and brands too. You will also find if you search the hashtags ‘#bloggerrequest’ and ‘#prrequest’, that you can find and apply for paying opportunities via social media sites.

Sign up to affiliate schemes

How about signing up to affiliate schemes? A lot of companies run these, from beauty and fashion to toys and games companies, and they can be highly successful when it comes to earning. All you have to do is position an affiliate link on your blog somewhere – in a post or on a banner advert – and then whenever someone clicks on the ad and purchases something through that link on the company’s website, you get paid a small percentage of the price. Obviously, when it comes to the success of this method, the more followers you have, the better.

Those are just the basics of monetising your blog – there’s so much more that you should know. If you take the time to learn how to effectively monetise your blog, you can ensure that it is as successful as you have always dreamed it would be.

Money Making Machine




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DollarBreeders is a personal finance blog dedicated to people who want to take control of their finances and secure their future. Here you will find personal stories to inspire you to make better and more informed financial decisions. We aim to help people understand personal finances better and meet the challenge of living comfortably within the budget.
