
3 Skills to Enhance Your Employability

If you feel that your skills are lacking and you’re not standing out in applications or interviews, consider working with a recruiting company to help get your job placement. They can help you think outside the box and highlight skills you may have not thought about. A recruiter will also make sure your resume will stand out so you have better chances at landing the interview. Read on to develop more skills that will enhance your employability and make it easier to get the job of your dreams.

The job market is increasingly fierce. Employers now have the pick of the best employees, and standing out can be a very real challenge. With competition so high, employers have been able to demand more from those that apply for positions, and you need to have more than the bare minimum in terms of professional qualifications. However, knowing what skills to develop so that you are more attractive to employers means having more awareness about the demands of the modern workplace.

Enhance Your EmployabilityStay Current

No matter what professional qualifications you have or don’t have, you need to stay up to date on your industry. From being aware of new technologies to knowing what trends are appealing to your consumers, keeping up to date not only means that you bring value to a workplace but it also means that you have something clear and proactive to discuss in job interview situations. Make sure that you read industry news, and set up news alerts on Google so that you get a notification when there is breaking industry news. Staying current and relevant in the fast-paced business environment is increasingly essential, and falling behind will lower your chances of a successful job application.

Learn Negotiation

Many people just entering the jobs market assume that the art of negotiation is only something that sales professionals need to perfect. However, negotiation is an increasingly in-demand skill. From customer service to HR, negotiation excellence offers many advantages to every employee. Poor negotiation skills can hinder a company or a department, so it’s worth brushing up on more successful negotiation strategies. One of the most effective methods of negotiation is BATNA, so you should develop an awareness of how to gain the best advantages when negotiating for anything. Whether it’s discussing your starting wage or haggling over prices with suppliers, the art of negotiation is a fantastic addition to your resume that will help you stand out in an increasingly competitive job market.


Even if you plan to work from home, you still need to communicate with your employers. The fact is that both communication and the ability to present your ideas clearly and precisely are now in high demand in the modern workplace. Remember that your first example of communication skills will be your resume. This shows employers that you can be clear and concise when needed, while interviews will allow you to show off your communication skills even further. Remember to:

  • Keep communication simple
  • Be engaging
  • Make sure that your comms are understood
  • Develop better listening habits
  • Remember the importance of body language
  • When presenting in person, maintain eye contact

From retail staff dealing with the general public to high-flying investment bankers selling their latest strategy to investors, communication and presentation are critical skills that are worth developing. The better you are at presenting your thoughts, ideas, and professionalism, the more likely that you will be hired.

It’s not easy to make yourself stand out when there are so many applicants fighting for the same position. Take the time to develop the skills that are a necessity in the field you’re interested in. Work on soft skills as much as you work on and you will have an immediate advantage over those that have settled on the basics of their education.

If you feel that your skills are lacking and you’re not standing out in applications or interviews, consider working with a recruiting company to help get your job placement. They can help you think outside the box and highlight skills you may have not thought about. A recruiter will also make sure your resume will stand out so you have better chances at landing the interview. Read on to develop more skills that will enhance your employability and make it easier to get the job of your dreams.

skills to develop




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DollarBreeders is a personal finance blog dedicated to people who want to take control of their finances and secure their future. Here you will find personal stories to inspire you to make better and more informed financial decisions. We aim to help people understand personal finances better and meet the challenge of living comfortably within the budget.
