
Few Vital Predictions – Workplace Changes in 2016

Vital Predictions

The changing workplace scenario is nothing new. Every year the workplace scenario changes from its previous stance to a newer and a better environment.  As the industry experts have predicted, the year 2016 is the year of talents. Thanks to the technology, people are now finding work with more ease and convenience. With that in mind, organizations will have to take a different approach when it comes to managing the human resources.

Vital Predictions

The global economy has improved and the competition is high again. But, this time it’s not the job-seekers alone who have to fight, the organizations too have to make an effort to find, retain and engage the talents to increase their loyalty towards the company.

Here are a few workplace predictions for the year 2016

#1 Shift in the employer-employee relationship

With the technology making it so easy to communicate, the way employers and employees have been communicating has changed a lot. With LinkedIn and Glassdoor, the employer-employees relationship has seen a great change. As the need to find the right talent and at the right time becomes more intense, there will be more active participation from the organizations in finding talent online as most of the global population are online.

#2 Will See more Telecommuters than Ever

Telecommuting has seen a lot of changes in the last decade. From the US President Barack Obama pointing out the importance of remote working to Telecommuting getting a legal status in the UK, it has come a long way. The year 2016 will be no different. In fact, with the ever advancing technology,more and more employees will be seeking to work from home. With the Millennial making a chunk of the workplace, the organizations have to keep up with the growing changes in the way Millennials like to work and Telecommuting is one of them.

#4 More Good News for Workers

The year 2016 is going to be a year of better workplace environment. With the Obama administration putting more stress on workers’ rights which happen to include paid time-off, overtime, minimum wage, healthcare, schedule fairness, family leave and flexible working hours, the organizations will have to put in more efforts to comply with the demand. As far as the prediction goes, the emphasis will be on flexible work schedules, continued training and career progression.

#5 Greater Dependency on the technology

It is predicted that the workplace will see a greater dependency on modern technology to make work more efficient. This will take a lot of burden off the managers, who will not require to oversee every aspect of the work. This also means more and more employees could be working from home, relying on the technology to communicate.

#6 Millennial and Generation X employees Will be the leaders in 2016

Millennials and Generation X will be leading the way in the workplaces as exodus of the Baby Boomer generation continues. Due to recession the millennial generation didn’t get the fair chance to get skill and management training. Now that the older generation workplace will soon be replaced, organizations will be putting in more effort to train the upcoming workforce.

#7 Diversity in the Workplace

According to the index, more freelancers will be willing to quit their primary jobs in favor of more flexible working hours. With this in the picture, the organization will have to make flexible working a part of their organization policy to accommodate a diverse form of workforce. This will include the freelancer, telecommuters, remote workers and part-timers.

The workplace of 2016 will be a lot different than 2015 and the years before that. With so many changes to take place, the workforce of 2016 will have an edge over the employers. The changes will be seen gradually as the year progresses.

Workplace Changes in 2016




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