
How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

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Not everybody has the guts to take a risk and try to set up their own business, no matter how good they think their idea might be. Yet we see new businesses emerging every day so what separates those who take the leap, from those who feel held back? Here, we take a look at the characteristics you’ll often find in successful entrepreneurs, which can work as inspiration to push you to make that jump yourself.

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Always be on the lookout for New Opportunities

Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new opportunities and they see them where others may not, for example, a local dog show being the perfect opportunity for some light advertising. They’re willing to take risks whereas others are not, which is perhaps the most liberating and lucrative aspect of their personalities. This doesn’t mean that the risks they take always pay off, it simply means that they are not afraid to take them and the laws of probability state that the more risks you’re willing to take the more likely it is that some may pay off. Let’s take Donald Trump for example, as well as the millions he has made, he has also had to lose millions to get there. Entrepreneurs also have a creative, innovative streak that allows them to conjure up ideas that may not have been explored yet, allowing them to create products or services that have little competition and will therefore have a majority market share.

Be Future Orientated

Entrepreneurs are future orientated; always thinking of the next steps towards their goals, then creating new goals altogether once they have been achieved. Another must-have characteristic that you’d need in order to make it big in the world of business is flexibility and adaptability. It is rare that your initial plan is all you will need to succeed; you will learn as you go and you need to be able to take on board these lessons and adapt your plan to incorporate them, to be able to benefit from them. Hand in hand with this comes the ability to always look on the bright side, as you will face various setbacks which you will need to overcome in order to succeed. An ambitious mindset separates those who give up at the first sign of difficulty and those who keep fighting to keep their dreams alive.

Use your Initiative and Welcome Criticism

You’ll often find that entrepreneurs work alone and only require themselves for motivation and direction. They’re able to use their own initiative. However, they need to have the ability to take on board criticisms and be open enough to welcome beneficial collaborations. Entrepreneurs also need analytical skills to figure out any holes in their plan or why certain moves haven’t been as successful as they’d hoped and what they can do to change direction.

The characteristics you need are not necessarily ones that you are born with, you can train yourself and develop them during your lifetime. Entrepreneurship is available to everyone and if you do decide to take the leap, make sure that you have the sensible practicalities covered as well as exercising your creativity. For example, register your businesses, take a look at one sure insurance for tailored business insurance, and set up separate bank accounts so you can keep control of your finances, including your all-important self-employed tax returns.

Becoming an entrepreneur takes guts but it also requires a number of other characteristics in order to be able to maintain your success in and passion for business. You need to be constantly on the lookout for opportunities, think creatively, be future orientated, flexible and analytical. You can find more business tips such as how to choose who to hire at





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DollarBreeders is a personal finance blog dedicated to people who want to take control of their finances and secure their future. Here you will find personal stories to inspire you to make better and more informed financial decisions. We aim to help people understand personal finances better and meet the challenge of living comfortably within the budget.
