
How to Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rate

No matter how beautiful your website looks, it is a wasted asset if it does not support a high conversion rate. Increasing your site’s conversion rate might seem like an impossible goal, but it can be achieved by any business with the right know-how and dedication. This guide is here to help you learn the most effective methods for increasing your website’s conversion rate.

No matter how beautiful your website looks, it is a wasted asset if it does not support a high conversion rate. Increasing your site’s conversion rate might seem like an impossible goal, but it can be achieved by any business with the right know-how and dedication. This guide is here to help you learn the most effective methods for increasing your website’s conversion rate.

Redesign Your Home Page

The team of web designers at ALT Agency Birmingham have a history of increasing conversion rates and explain that one of the most important practices is home page redesign. Your home page is likely the very first direct interaction that a potential customer has with your brand. Therefore, it is vital that you are making the right first impression as this can dictate what type of relationship you have with the visitor. Namely, your home page can be the make or break, the deciding factor of whether the visitor converts or clicks off.

A website redesign can help you to form the right relationship with a client right off the bat with an aesthetic design embodying your brand identity and appealing to your target audience. You should also use text and functional design elements to draw the visitor into browsing your store.

Create a Strong Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the reason why a customer should buy from you; it explains what makes you different from your competition. If you do not have a defined value proposition that is clear and succinct, you should make one now. To do this, you will need to reflect on your brand identity and your business vision. Then, try to create a one-sentence value proposition that tells visitors why they should shop with you.

Create a Conversion Funnel

The term conversion funnel describes the stages of a buyer’s journey that lead to a purchase. The term is usually divided into four steps:

Step 1 Awareness

This is the point at which you capture the attention of a relevant customer who has shown some form of interest in products or services like yours. The customer will become aware of your brand due to the digital marketing efforts you have made.

Step 2 Interest

This step is all about capturing the interest of a potential customer. You can do this through a curated brand image, social media presence, and website design.

Step 3 Consideration

By this step, a potential customer has shown a clear interest in your brand, and they might have done this in a range of different ways, such as following you on social media. At this point, the focus is on motivating a potential customer to make a purchase. There are many ways that this can be done, by offering a discount, free delivery, or through seamless website design.

Step 4 Conversion

This is the final step of the journey, and it starts when a customer reviews their shopping cart and ends when a purchase is complete. Many things can dissuade a customer from completing a purchase, such as a lack of payment options, slow loading speeds, or expensive shipping. The conversion step is designed to ensure do not abandon shopping carts.

Website’s Conversion Rate




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DollarBreeders is a personal finance blog dedicated to people who want to take control of their finances and secure their future. Here you will find personal stories to inspire you to make better and more informed financial decisions. We aim to help people understand personal finances better and meet the challenge of living comfortably within the budget.
